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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Still here.

I know it's been a while since I posted a new recipe. But truth be told, we've been eating from recipes that I've already posted and a bunch that have leftovers. Which is great for our monthly budget.

I've also been out of town visiting family, and then playing a single mom while my husband is on a trip. So when trying to cook and feed a little munchkin, I've been lazy about talking to those of you who might actually be reading my little blog.

And speaking of munchkins, I know he's up in the kitchen trying to sneak into his stash of chocolate that he got over Halloween. Somehow I've got to figure out a way not to eat the candy... ok, let's all be honest. I think I've eaten more of his Halloween candy than he has. woops.

Somebody call the Candy police, to make me stop!!! And I promise to get you guys some great new recipes!!!

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